What is the qualification for Rsmssb?

The qualifications required for "RSMSSB" depend on the specific post or exam being applied for. However, in general, candidates should have a minimum educational qualification of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized university or institution. Additionally, some posts may require specific additional qualifications in fields such as education, engineering, computer science, or medicine. Candidates must also meet any age, physical, and other eligibility criteria set by the RSMSSB and the government of Rajasthan.

The qualifications required for RSMSSB depend on the specific post or exam being applied for. However, in general, candidates should have a minimum educational qualification of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized university or institution. Additionally, some posts may require specific additional qualifications in fields such as education, engineering, computer science, or medicine. Candidates must also meet any age, physical, and other eligibility criteria set by the RSMSSB and the government of Rajasthan.